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DDPCShares is not endorsed or affiliated with the Double Down Facebook game, Double Down Interactive LLC, IGT or their affiliates.

DDPC Articles
Free Chips
  Post by: -Blondie-
I�m just getting a black (or white) screen when I try to load the Casino, what do I do? That sounds like a browser issue � possibly with cookies/ cache, follow this guide to fix: ... or-cookies What happened to Partner Codes? Unfortunately, Double Down Interactive LLC has pulled the plug on its Casino Affiliate program. So, yeah, no more codes to share. They went kaput when they switched things up to 7 digits. Why do I not see you on my Facebook newsfeed? Facebook's got these new fancy algorithms. To make sure our posts pop up, you gotta like and follow our page. Show Facebook you're into our stuff by regularly commenting and reacting to our posts with a "Like" - OR - try a heart, laugh, or WOW reaction. Where is the manual code redemption box? I can�t find it! There is no manual code redemption box anymore, all codes are redeemed by clicking a link. I have a Facebook Gaming card I want to redeem! How many codes can I redeem? You can redeem up to 12 offers for free chips within a 180 minute period. Image How long are codes active for? There are some codes that have a longer lifespan, sometimes up to a few weeks, but for the most part they are good for a maximum of 3-5 days.
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Free Chips
  Post by: -Blondie-
Make a Friend for Free Spins! is a new community experience that can be found on our Facebook page. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE LIKED OR FOLLOWED THE PAGE!! Occasionally we will add a post for people looking to add more friends in the game to receive Gift Spins. To avoid cluttering up the Facebook post with too much text, the rules and guidelines can be found here. Disclaimer/Rules/Info 1) Make sure you have your Facebook friend request settings to 'everyone' PRIOR to commenting here, otherwise people can't send you friend requests. 2) You are adding friends to your Facebook friends list. If you are not comfortable doing that, then please do not comment. The game uses your Facebook friends to send and receive gift spins. 3) ONLY COMMENT if you are looking for friends to send the gift spins to. The people commenting aren't looking for friends to socialize with or to get chatty UNLESS they comment otherwise. Please be respectful of who you add. They can remove you off their list at any time. 4) Try to be consistent with your gift spins... a lot of us play daily and would appreciate the gift spins daily. If people find you aren't active, they can and will remove you off their list. 5) You can unfollow a new friend and not see their daily posts and still share spins. Here are some helpful links if you need to adjust your settings:
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Free Chips
  Post by: -Blondie-
NEED HELP WITH SOMETHING? We can help with anything related to our website, but usually anything beyond that we cannot help you with. All game related questions go to [email protected] So, I'll take you through a few examples of what we CAN'T help you with: "All my chips are gone from my account." We can't help with this. You'll need to reach out to DDC. "I purchased chips but they aren't on my account." We can't help with this. You'll need to reach out to DDC. "I won _____ in a jackpot and didn't receive it." We can't help with this. You'll need to reach out to DDC. "I got a connection error while playing and don't have my chips." We can't help with this. You'll need to reach out to DDC. "I got a connection error and lost my free spins." We can't help with this. You'll need to reach out to DDC. "The link says expired or already redeemed." We can't help with this. You might have already claimed it at some point, if not, reach out to DDC. Here are some examples of what we can help with: "Your website isn't loading for me." We could possibly be having server issues. Reach out to us: [email protected] or on Facebook Messenger. "When I click on a link, I get an error." The link could possibly be broken, we can fix this. Reach out to us: [email protected] or on Facebook Messenger. "I get a black screen while trying to play." This is usually a cache issue - while it is outside of our control, I can help walk you through the steps needed to get it fixed. Just reach out via [email protected] or on Facebook Messenger. HELPFUL RESOURCES Open a ticket with DDC: Ticket Guide: Already redeemed links: Broken codes vs already redeemed links: Thanks for being the best part of DDPCshares! DDPCShares is not endorsed or affiliated with the Double Down Facebook game, Double Down Interactive LLC, IGT or their affiliates.
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Free Chips
  Post by: -Blondie-
We are DDPCshares - the #1 Code Sharing Fan Page for Double Down Casino! The goal of DDPCshares is to create a safe, fun community experience for fans of Double Down Casino. We are the BEST at finding promotional gifts (such as chips and free spins) and have been in operation for 13 years! We also create helpful articles to enhance your game experience and are a support hub for those who may be experiencing issues with the game. If you need help, send us a message, and we can point you in the right direction of where to go. Please note - we are NOT Double Down Casino, nor are we associated with any of their affiliates. We are fans, just like you, and we do not create the links or have the ability to issue chips.
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Free Chips
  Post by: -Blondie-
Codes were available for 2 weeks, 14 days. Expired 2/26 Here are the Diamond codes for February, 2025 Please only comment on our facebook page Let us hear from you !! ENJOY Codes were available for 2 weeks, 14 days. Expired 2/26 WHITE: - 3E0YOPS - 300K YELLOW: - PIBPBLS - 300K PINK: - AK08VJF - 400K BLUE: - VFNBSTR - 500K RED: - BRHUH9D - 550K BLACK: - ZEVZHT8 - 600K COSMIC GREEN: - VL83EEK - 700K FIRE: - X9XSQFC - 750K ORCHID: - ZG1JMXF - 800K SUPERNOVA: - CP1PS9S - 900K ROYAL: - QK4KMDQ -ONE MILLION
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Free Chips
  Post by: -Blondie-
Thank you very much for your efforts in gathering and posting these diamond codes!
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Free Chips
  Post by: -Blondie-
I have seen people say I have my max of 25. Not true. You will only get 250K on Daily spin but you can have as many friends as you can get. You can send 50 FREE SPINS at one time. If you have 60 Friends, then there will be 10 that need you to send a FREE SPIN to them. You can have as many as you want, you just have to make sure you keep hitting the button to send the free spins to all of them....Up to 50 at a time!!! Having more than 25 is smart. If a member quits playing after a few months Facebook takes them off your game. This way, you always get the full 250K daily in your Daily Spin. THE MORE FRIENDS THE MERRIER!!!
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Free Chips
  Post by: -Blondie-
Last Diamond Codes for the year!!! We are delighted to share all of the codes with you. Thank you to the members that helped. Enjoy all the codes for everyone! WHITE: - 9L4BO1O - 300K YELLOW: - HBFXKJD - 300K PINK: - NGFH8KX - 400K BLUE: - W7WORQH - 500K RED: - 78WTLFX - 550K BLACK: - KRFKI1Y - 600K COSMIC GREEN: - ARSNYQN - 700K FIRE: - PO0KZFR - 750K ORCHID: - KIWT8VE - 800K SUPERNOVA: - 0NDUPUO - 900K ROYAL: - 7KJW6OY -ONE MILLION
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Free Chips
  Post by: -Blondie-
You guys are awesome... Thank you so vm for the million dollar codes (especially those) and all the other ones you post.... Love this forum....
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Free Chips
  Post by: -Blondie-
The only thing I can think of is maybe you have accidently blocked them. Check your block senders list. You are very welcome. We do this as a service to everyone. Since these come to the individual emails, they are not codes we post on our regular page. A couple years ago ~Luna and I decided to do this....believe me it is a lot of high stress work. The hard part is while we are making the article and waiting for emails with codes....we are getting hundreds of posts and email asking where are the codes. It is so frustrating...the members KNOW we post them and start asking for them the first of the the time they come we are so wired we get a let down after and have an upset feeling :roll: . That is why next month we will delete and NOT answer requests for Diamond codes. This month was the WORST ever. Thanks for your support and comments. KEEP SPINNING!!
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Free Chips
  Post by: Vamp
If you are getting the below error message Click the blue link you see below Agree to the facebook terms (your popup may be slightly different) Also if you are android: If the DDC app does not open immediately for claiming, tap the "..." menu in the top-right corner, select "Open in an external browser," and you should be able to claim successfully.
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Free Chips
  Post by: Cinders
Hi guys, I was just wondering where to find the monthly diamond codes on this page? The last ones i can see are from September on this discussion page.... Thanks so much
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DDPCShares is not endorsed or affiliated with the Double Down Facebook game, Double Down Interactive LLC, IGT or their affiliates.